Friday, November 19, 2010

A Season of Some SERIOUS Thanksgiving...

I must say that in all of my 31 years, I have never been more thankful than this year. I could say it is because Mike is finished school, has a good job, we're moving and get to be together in just a week and a half (FINALLY), and that life is looking up...

But honestly, I think I have been practicing Thanksgiving. This past year has forced me to look at everything through a different lens. Maybe I've chosen to, but either way, rather than nit-picking the million things I could or finding things to complain about, I've chosen to be thankful in everything. Thankful that we had a home to live in and weren't out on the street. Thankful that at least we got to see Mike two days a week as opposed to none. Thankful that we have been surrounded by amazing people to encourage us through instead of feeling abandoned by others...

Thanksgiving is a choice. Truly, I can choose to be thankful or not. I am in awe of how blessed I feel simply because I've been thankful.

Life certainly has a different twist this way. And for the difference, I am thankful! :)