Friday, November 19, 2010

A Season of Some SERIOUS Thanksgiving...

I must say that in all of my 31 years, I have never been more thankful than this year. I could say it is because Mike is finished school, has a good job, we're moving and get to be together in just a week and a half (FINALLY), and that life is looking up...

But honestly, I think I have been practicing Thanksgiving. This past year has forced me to look at everything through a different lens. Maybe I've chosen to, but either way, rather than nit-picking the million things I could or finding things to complain about, I've chosen to be thankful in everything. Thankful that we had a home to live in and weren't out on the street. Thankful that at least we got to see Mike two days a week as opposed to none. Thankful that we have been surrounded by amazing people to encourage us through instead of feeling abandoned by others...

Thanksgiving is a choice. Truly, I can choose to be thankful or not. I am in awe of how blessed I feel simply because I've been thankful.

Life certainly has a different twist this way. And for the difference, I am thankful! :)

Friday, October 15, 2010

Almost there...

These past months have been stressful. I know many of you have been wondering where we are, what we're up to, when we'll finally be settled, etc. Well, we're temporarily in NC, we're biding our time until Mike begins work (October 25th), and as far as being settled? ...I don't know that we will ever be settled! I have an inkling our lives will continue to be somewhat nomadic, though I may be wrong!

These past months have been filled with the ominous waiting. Waiting for paperwork, finances to pay for licensing, waiting to finally be 'home' somewhere and feel like we can begin again and gain some normalcy. That will happen. Of that I'm sure. We do not know yet WHEN that will happen. It will be a few weeks of Mike traveling, once again, working his new job and trying to find a place to live. Thankfully, he'll be staying with friends! :) I marvel at God's goodness in provision, whether it is the way we 'want' it to be or not. He is always faithful. And we'll get there. Even if it takes another month or two. ;)

We'll keep you posted. In the mean time, we're busy with school, cleaning, and waiting! Just trying to enjoy this last week with Mike before we're once again in transition mode. I think this has been hardest on the kids in that regard. Or...maybe me - in that it is emotional and hard on them which is emotional for me and hard on me, too.

On that note, I need to get some dishes put away and cuddle some munchkins!


Monday, October 4, 2010

To Pick Up Again...

  • There are times where I put something down that I've spent time and energy investing in-mentally, emotionally, spiritually... And there are times I pick it up again. I suppose blogging is like that. I've been in some strange places these past years. Sometimes, I've been in good places. Times of hashing through emotions and thoughts. And there are times I've journaled privately. Times when I've not been in a good place.

    I really appreciate the outlet. Someone told me once that I shouldn't be so bare with what I put out there. I can appreciate the advice, but I guess part of me wonders...what have I to hide? The older I get (and people of all spectrums can argue where I fall in the age category, based on where they fall; old to the young and young to the old), the more I realize, people are going to think what they're going to think. The mind is an amazing thing. Perceptions can really play with people's minds and blind it to truth and in the same token, open their eyes to the truth of what they've been blind to.

    I've been pondering so much lately on how the wars of the world are all about the mind. The fight is over our thoughts; whom we trust, what we believe is right and true, how we believe things should be handled-or not handled, the things we find that matter. Culture is an amazing thing. People I've known all my life who have been exposed to different thought and perspective believe passionately about something I feel just as passionately against. And yet, if I'm honest with myself, I could be persuaded to see things differently. Is that good? Am I disloyal? Should I fear for my own convictions should they change in regards to politics, or the like...? I don't know... I don't think so. I know where my anchor lies and that has not changed. There are many with the same anchor that find themselves docked at a different shore. That doesn't mean they're wrong for being in a different place any more than it would mean they're wrong for floating toward my shore...or I to theirs. To see something differently is part of life, no?

    Life is hard when you're a thinker. Nothing is simple. You can drive yourself mad with others opinions and convictions just as you can drive them mad with yours. I don't always like that about life. I am frustrated by the fact that there are those I love deeply with whom I disagree passionately. I want us to have no point of contention; no areas that divide. But there are points of contention. And if I allow it, areas that divide. I struggle with the decision to push those away with whom I'd disagree, though I love them. Is that my own distaste for their opinions and unwillingness to love them in spite of what I disagree with? Or is it fear that they will not love me in spite of my opinions and principles. And I think it is the latter mixed with a bit of pride. No one wants to be rejected for what they hold to...for who they are and what they believe.

    And I suppose this is an open letter to those, in my heart, by whom I've felt begrudged. I love you, no matter where you stand.

    And I pray that this might find its way into the hands of those whose friendships I'd like to pick up again...